
Showing posts from November, 2021


                                    This project was a very difficult one for me because it required me to expose a personal part of myself. This semester has brought on some more challenges with my mental health, specifically in the form of panic attacks. My panic attacks started to become frequent during quarantine, but I was able to limit them. Being without my family as a form of support has been very difficult, especially because they are the ones who are able to calm me down. I chose the bars to represent how trapped I feel during my panic attacks, and the only people who are able to break me out are in Maryland.


This project had a very specific set of challenges. To be honest, the masking was not even that hard. The difficulty came in the planning. Changing clothes and running from behind my camera, while it did not take a long time it was still a lot. The good thing is that I learned more about my own camera’s settings. I have not really experimented much with the settings on my camera because the presets look good. I am thankful for this project pushing me into different directions and roles. It was very helpful to look at placement and is a skill I can now apply to my future filmmaking.   


  The somewhere project was so much fun to produce, and I loved experimenting with different movies and character interactions. The place I chose was the arena in The Hunger Games, and when I saw this picture; I knew I needed to be trying to kill Katniss Everdeen. My goal was to make Santi laugh, and I did. The outfit was not difficult because the clothing in the movie is rain jackets and cargo pants, but what was challenging was the color correction and how my image should interact with the environment. I did not get it right the first time but after my corrections, I agree, it does look a lot better.

BW to Color

  The BW to Color assignment was in my opinion one of the easier ones. Maybe not in the moment but for this assignment I love the skills I learned and how to do photoshop. In the past, Photoshop and I have not gotten along, but I think we’ve buried the hatchet. I also was able to use this assignment to get better acquainted with my drawing tablet, which is something I now love to use and will continue to do so. This assignment taught me a lot of patience. It was not hard, but it was a lot. What I am most proud of with this is the growth I did, from someone who hated photoshop to someone who may be semi-good at it


 I knew when I had to make a poster that I had to do something about beauty. I know beauty has become a popular topic within the last ten years and to a certain extent may be over done, but this is very important to me. I think it is common for most girls to not feel beautiful, especially compared to the models in the media. While photoshopping and make-up are well known, we still compare ourselves to the impossible beauty standards set within our western culture. Beauty shouldn't have standards, because we are all beautiful in our own ways. This is the picture I used for my poster. I am wearing make-up but this has not been edited or filtered. I do not usually wear make-up because I think it can be uncomfortable, but even with make-up I do not meet the standard of western beauty, tall, skinny, and blonde. Does this make me or anyone else less beautiful? No. We are all beautiful and we as women need to work together to get rid of beauty standards.